
but seriously, it's really important that you pronounce that L

on tuesdays, i tutor these two seven-year-old girls, nodi and tawan. (maddy takes'em on thursdays.) they're pretty good at english. they already know all the basic colors, a crap ton of adjectives, some basic sentences, a bunch of nouns...i'm not explaining this well. anyway, just take my word for it.

so today i decided i'd tell them about things around the house--refrigerator, living room, table, chair...you know that chapter in your foreign language book. i would show them a flashcard with the thing on it and tell them to name it.

we were all getting really into the activity and they'd shout the name of the thing all excitedly if they already knew it. i got to a picture of a clock, which of course they already knew. 

"COCK!" they both shouted. 
lol. of course i laughed. "no, clllllllllock. cllllllllllock." 

after we reviewed the vocab, i shuffled up the cards and we played go fish, which they already know and pwn at. but of course, this question came up:

"nicki, do you have any cock?"

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