
hula hoop

two tiny students who must've been 7th graders lugged three huge hula hoops into the office this morning. i have no idea why (as per usual in this country). a couple hours later, i walked down the hall to the office and saw three of the teachers (suriya, preeda, and kanchana, who are also i think the three oldest women in the office, but i'm bad at judging asian ages so i could be wrong) hula hooping at the end of the hall. suriya was working it--hands on her head, spinning those hips like she could go for days. you go, 60-something-year-old grandma.

the whole office was intrigued by the hula hoops.

"nicki, can you do it?"
"of course."

so they handed me the hula hoop and i showed'em how it's done cuz i'm a hula hooping BALLER.* "nicki, teach us!" i tried to teach'em how, but i don't think anyone learned. kanchana was terrible--no shakes in those hips. rob came over later and played with the hula hoops. hula hoops in the office=upgrade.

we have tomorrow off--thailand celebrates memorial day, too!**--so a bunch of us are headed to koh samet for the weekend.

also, i only had one class today cuz the 12th graders are doing some buddhist camp thing.

*actually, i'm not that good. i just have the ability to keep it going for a long time. (that's what he said.)
**jokes. it's a buddhist holiday..."visakha bucha day," my calendar tells me.


but seriously, it's really important that you pronounce that L

on tuesdays, i tutor these two seven-year-old girls, nodi and tawan. (maddy takes'em on thursdays.) they're pretty good at english. they already know all the basic colors, a crap ton of adjectives, some basic sentences, a bunch of nouns...i'm not explaining this well. anyway, just take my word for it.

so today i decided i'd tell them about things around the house--refrigerator, living room, table, chair...you know that chapter in your foreign language book. i would show them a flashcard with the thing on it and tell them to name it.

we were all getting really into the activity and they'd shout the name of the thing all excitedly if they already knew it. i got to a picture of a clock, which of course they already knew. 

"COCK!" they both shouted. 
lol. of course i laughed. "no, clllllllllock. cllllllllllock." 

after we reviewed the vocab, i shuffled up the cards and we played go fish, which they already know and pwn at. but of course, this question came up:

"nicki, do you have any cock?"


new roommates!

guess what you guys. i got some more FISH! i know everyone loved the last fish so much semester. i did, too, but he died because i left him alone for three weeks. china was calling.

i immediately missed having a little fishy around when i moved back to suphan, so today rob and i went to the fish place and i picked up two new goldfish. i decided against the beta fish this semester cuz i wanted something shinier and more active and...gosh, i dunno, i just got into the store and the goldfish looked real perfect. i've already experienced a fish fight and i'm ready for something new.

i had only thought about getting one fish, but then rob mentioned something about getting multiple fish. ooh, i hadn't even considered that option! i grabbed a tank the same size as the one i already own and asked the guy if i could put two of these medium-sized goldfish in the tank together.

"die!" he said. you can! after some incredulous looks and questions from me, i finally believed him and decided on getting two of those goldfish with biggish bellies and pretty double fins. an orange one and a white one. the guy came over with a bucket of water and that fish net to get the little guys out. instead of going through the shenanigans of him trying to get the fish, trying to pick out the exact one i want, blah blah blah, he just handed me the net. YES THAILAND.

fish and a bag of rocks in hand, i asked him how much. forty baht, he said. the rocks were 20 baht, which meant the fish together were 20 baht. sixty seven cents for two fish. YES THAILAND. but then he pointed to a tank and an oxygen thingy. ummm...do i need one of these? he mimed fish death. yes, i do need one of those, so he hooked it up.

brought everything home, put water back in the tank, got it all set up, and welcomed my two new roommates to their new home.

the cage is def too small, btw. i dunno what fish store guy was talking about. friends need a bigger home.