
the porch is now for humans

good news, dedicated readers! remember how much i f$(*%king hated those pigeons? how they kept having stupid babies and dumb little pigeons babies kept filling up my porch with feathers and poop and nest shit?

THEY'RE NOT HERE ANYMORE! (something unmentionable happened.)

the girls downstairs promised me a net as soon as there were no birds, so the day they flew away i made sure to alert the ladies so i could get my net. i came home from the weekend with the regans and the net was up! what a joyful day.

sort of. because there was still a lot of bird shit on my porch and that's gross.

so i had my room/bathroom/porch cleaned today (i even gave the cleaning lady a tip cuz i knew how friggin gross that bird crap was) and now the porch is fully ready for human usage.

now i'm sitting in my comfy blue chair on the porch, doors to my room wide open, an ice cold beer sitting next to me, and feeling the breeze cruise through my hair. it's moments like this that make me wonder what else i need in life.

there's lightning, too. did i mention that

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