
final stop: california

i made it. i'm home. dad asked on the drive home if i'd blog any more. looks like it.

oh and again, as always, i apologize a thousand times over for not blogging enough. by the time paris came i was so tired of being a tourist that i stopped writing things down and i didn't take any pictures for the first few days. both of these make for no internet updates. BUT i do owe you fbook pictures (switzerland AND france! capitalizing conjuctions!), so keep a look out for those in the next couple days.

immediate verdict upon returning home: this feels so bizarrely normal. like a year hasn't even gone by. here are some things that are different:
  • mom got a new purse
  • there's a new coffee maker in the fridge
  • mom and dad re-did the living room and study (this is actually a pretty big deal in the arnold home. we usually keep crap around forever.)
  • there's a new mug hanging on the wall
that's all i noticed so far. maybe i'll have more notes tomorrow.

NUTMEG IS STILL ALIVE! this isn't that surprising because despite her age (10 big ones!), she's relatively healthy and i've seen her on skype a whole bunch of times. i was always just a little worried about her dying before i made it home. she and delilah both remembered me, btw.

america doesn't seem that shocking yet cuz maddy and i re-westernized in europe already. but still, we'll see. tomorrow i'm looking forward to driving for the first time in over a year. maybe you should keep an eye out for me.


  1. mom got a new faucet on the sink in the kitchen.

  2. Exciting! I'm getting so anxious to be back home, even though it'll only be for a couple weeks.

  3. There's a coffee maker IN the fridge...? For making iced coffee?

  4. lol. YEAH IN THE FRIDGE! i meant kitchen. english is hard.
