
random musings

we didn't do anything thrilling this weekend, so i don't have any thrilling stories. yesterday we went to see this huge palace in ayutthaya and i swear i was in europe for a little while. it looked like a mini versailles. i'll have to show you some pictures on fbook later this week.

to change subjects completely, i realized a few weeks ago what an ugly city bangkok is. not just the buildings, or the traffic, or the stores, or whatever. i mean the people. i can count the number of bangkok locals i've been attracted to on one hand. this is terrible, especially coming from a place as beautiful as santa barbara. i mean, really, about 82 percent of people there were sexy.

anyway, i started noticing the general level of attractiveness of people around me everywhere in thailand, and it's pretty damn low. thai people are charming and fun and awesome, but attractive they are not. especially men. then again, i'm not exactly looking my finest here. my hair has no idea what to do with itself and can't even keep a decent ponytail, much less a semi-good scrunch. and blowdrying? yeah right. my legs are covered in bug bites that i'm pretty sure i'll have scars from. i'm growing my own rice belly. my nail polish is always chipped (though this isn't the reflection of the country so much as my laziness). so maybe you're just meant to be uglier in thailand.

and in another subject change, i found a funny comic on the internetz tonight. usually i think it's pretty stupid when people post comics or internet funnies on their blogs cuz you just stole someone else's humor...and i dunno, i've just never wanted to be one of those people who just points out other shit on the internet.

but i think you'll read this one and understand why i, nicki arnold in particular, felt the urge to show you.

lollll. thanks, digg.

(p.s. extra lolz at the unintentional grammar error, too)

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