
something awesome

when you buy beer at 7-11 (those stores are EVERYWHERE here, btw. i dunno if i've told you before. they're like the starbucks of thailand, minus good coffee and atmosphere, plus that distinct 7-11 ringing sound when you go in the door), they ask if they can open it for you. this country rocks.

anyway, there's something awesome in my life that i haven't told you about yet.

it's my bike.

look at her! what a beaut!

"nicki, you must look like a complete idiot when you ride that bike."

hmmm...no. i look really sleek and sporty. i felt like suphan didn't REALLY know how cool i was, so i got this bike in hot pink so they know now.

seriously, though, this bike is probably the best purchase i've made in thailand yet. i was pretty nervous to ride the bike at first cuz the streets are madness here. the lines on the street are mere suggestions, and looking behind you when you change lanes doesn't always seem to be a necessity. we drive on the left side here (that was a little weird to get used to), but if your turn is down there to the right and only have a short distance to go, you can go ahead and drive on the right-hand side. no need to go left and make a u-turn and all of this business.

motorbikes scream past me and cars (not pedestrians or bicyclists) have the right of way. cars don't have to stop on a left turn, so you better be looking out for them cuz they're surely not always looking out for you.

i thought biking in iv was madness. if i'm supposed to die in thailand, it'll be on my bike.

ohhh, i'm exaggerating. i've had my bike for about a month and a half now, and after a week, i was pretty used to getting around on it. now it's awesome. i don't have to take a tuk tuk everywhere (the excitement wears off after a week or two of these open air fellows being your only transportation), and i can just hop on my bike between classes and make it to the post office/grocery store/whatever. almost every time we ride'em, maddy and i rejoice in the wonderfulness of the bikes.

two wheels of EXCELLENT.

1 comment:

  1. That bike is the most ballin shit eva. You should try riding a bike in Davis. This city bends over backwards to help bike riders. I feel that stealing a bike would be punished by death if it weren't for the fact that the death penalty goes against all the liberal thoughts that the citizens have.
