
november 15

that's when maddy and i will be setting our feet back on glorious american soil once more. last night we bought our tickets to san francisco...

...from paris.

this means a few things.

1. we're officially flying home the other way around the world. we're doing a trip around the world with a year of teaching in the middle of it.

2. getting back to america is real. we screamed last night when we bought the tickets. i've been a mix of joy and utter sadness since i hit the "continue booking" button. on one hand, HELL YEAH i miss america sofuckingbad and i can't wait to get back to see everyone, to have full conversations with strangers, to speed up the pace i talk at, to get a new job, to find a new apartment, to eat mexican food, to have fast internet, blahblahblah. but on the other hand, i have a really awesome job here (scratch that...i actually HAVE a job), my students have turned out to be WAY more awesome than i could've expected, i get to travel whenever i want in arguably one of the most beautiful places in the world, i'm friends with some pretty neat people around here...you know, thailand's pretty neat. sometimes i think i'm stupid for leaving such a sweet set up.

3. we're old enough to make transcontinental flight decisions on our own. when we flew to paris, ucsb/aup told us when and where to fly (and even booked us the flights). when we flew to thailand, ciee pretty much gave us step-by-step directions for how to get here. this time, maddy and i decided everything.

i hope to god this doesn't mean i'm an adult.

p.s. in a semi-related note, i read this article about how adulthood starts later. it's all i've been thinking about this week.
p.p.s. kyle said he doesn't like this new layout, so i'm prob gonna change it pretty soon. sorry, i know change sucks.


  1. Hey, I was actually thinking your layout is classy, especially when you look at it at the top. The picture extending partway is clutch next your profiled pigeons.

  2. yaaaay, exciting you get to go back to France!!! :) Can't believe you've been over there that long already!

  3. thank you, brian. maybe i'll keep it then. i'm very easily influenced by peer pressure.

    and OUIIII france!
