
it's the final countdownnnnnnnnnn

this post is probably best viewed while listening to europe's "the final countdown." you know, that's pretty ballsy for a rock band to name itself after a whole continent.

also, this won't be the final countdown. i'm being dramatic, but i think life's more fun that way.

days until...
...kate and wendy come: 12
...my final grades are due: 32
...i leave for laos and vietnam: 34
...maddy and i land in mumbai: 46
...we look at the pyramids: 54
...i once again see western society (in vienna): 64
...we walk on the swiss alps: 71
...aj rawls welcomes us to paris with open arms: 77
...i step back on american soil: 83


  1. You are living the dream Nicki.

  2. Shutup and kill yourself!!!! You are going to do sooooo much after thailand.
    -Swiss alps...Pyramids...Jealous!!!!!!!!
