

you know how i'm pretty bad at aerobics in the states? well, i spose you'd only know that if you went to an aerobics class with me at school, but you can guess. you've met me. you know how klutzy i am. i don't think anyone's ever said "hey, you know that graceful and coordinated girl nicki arnold? man, she really knows how to do aerobics."

i'm even worse at thai aerobics. holy crap.

maddy and i had both seen this group of people doing aerobics in town, so we decided to go check it out today. we got to the area just as everyone was arriving, and a group of women closest to the stage where the instructor was said of course we could join (i'm putting words their head nods). the music started and it was that crazy fast thai musci that i dislike but've grown used to.

but that doesn't change how insanely fast it was. i couldn't even do moves properly. the instructor--a thai version of the gaily gay aerobics instructor--lead us through seven or eight different sequences and i didn't catch a single one. after about half an hour of trying really hard at following this guy, i finally looked over at maddy and we just started laughing and making fun of ourselves. even she couldn't catch it, and she's been dancing since she was a baby. i had no idea what was going on, but all these thai ladies around us (and the adorably passionate old man in the front) had the routine down. bitches.

i have no hopes of ever being as coordinated as the instructor or the very fit ladies in front, but my aspirations include wiping the confused look off my face and getting a good ab workout from laughing.

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