
the pigeons on the porch

i've told you about these guys before. ever since i've lived here, the porch has not been for humans. the porch (which is really a balcony but "pigeons on the balcony" doesn't have the same alliterative ring, and i'll always ditch truth for alliteration) is primarily for the pigeons. at first, i was thrilled to have a set of eggs in the cardboard box someone put out there. "oooh! look at how the pigeons love it! i've made such a hospitable environment! i'm like snow white!" (even though i didn't do anything.)

then i wanted the porch to be for humans because it's nice to open up the doors and kick it outside and stuff. but another pigeon decided to lay another pair of eggs. okay, fine, these ones will hatch, the birds will grow up and fly away, THEN i'll have the porch be for humans.

but those eggs grew up to be the GROSSEST, MOST ANNOYING pigeons that have ever lived. they have these disgusting growths on the sides of their faces, and their feathers aren't precisely healthy looking, and i don't think they can fly. they're definitely sick. i would feel bad except they're cruel birds. when healthy pigeons come to the porch, the sick ones start fighting with them and violently grabbing food out of their mouths. the sick ones make this bizarre screeching noise when they're doing it, too...like a squawk but at a high pitch and a scratchy throat. oh my god, it's terrible. whenever they start doing it, i angrily knock on the window to shut'em up.

i don't know what to do about them. i don't want them here anymore, but i don't think they can go anywhere cuz i'm fairly certain they can't fly. the other day, they hardly made any noise and just sat on these towels...i think they're dying. ew, what would i do with dead pigeons on the porch? ew ew ew.

p.s. we're going to sangkhlaburi this weekend. i'm pumped. see you on sunday night, internetz.


  1. haha. i literally just spit my coffee on some poor thai kid's homework.

  2. LOL...ewww...Thank god MY side of the building has a protective barrier...My room has a fridge...a tv...microwave...lol. Had to revisit that for oldtimes sake...
